Largest in-house kernels library in the world
One unique provider to help the solution providers’ business grow anywhere by accepting all international and regional payment schemes.
EMV L2 framework
“Agnos for CoTS” (Commercial-Off-The-Shelf) is an EMV Level 2 stack dedicated to SoftPOS, complying with PCI-MPoC requirements, to minimize our customers efforts. It includes all worldwide contactless kernels, Level 2 certification and the related testing and precertification tools.
PSPs, Acquirers/Processor, SoftPOS providers, Transit operators, Chips manufacturers
We offer a comprehensive L2 kernel library that supports a wide range of global payment networks. This ensures seamless integration with major payment schemes as well as regional networks.
One unique provider to help the solution providers’ business grow anywhere by accepting all international and regional payment schemes.
Amadis knows the complexity of this certification process, so Amadis supports its customers by providing compliant kernels with the latest PCI requirements. We help our customers to maximize the PCI-MPoC certification obtention and pass successfully the annual checkpoint.
Deploy faster your SoftPOS solution by using already Amadis’ certified and secured kernels and thus avoid to certify the Level 2 against the laboratory.
Amadis is capable of offering its own entry point to manage all contactless kernels or can be integrated in an existing external entry point without impacting on your SoftPOS architecture (integration & certification).
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